Universe on Tour in Hoyerswerda with the DZA

The roadshow "Universe on Tour - Lights out! Stars on!" is touring Germany with a mobile planetarium and will be in Hoyerswerda in front of the town hall from May 24-28. Visitors will enjoy an exciting planetarium show and insights into current developments in astronomical research. The fascinating show invites you on a journey into space - from the observation of the sky with the naked eye, to the invention of the telescope, to today's astronomy.
The DZA is on site in Hoyerswerda as a partner and provides information. School classes can book time slots for the event. In addition, evening lectures on astronomy will be held on four evenings in Hoyerswerda.
All information about Universe on Tour in Hoyerswerda here https://www.wissenschaftsjahr.de/2023/universe-on-tour/hoyerswerda